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Apollonia Productions presents Glykeria with Nikos Zoidakis Live in Baltimore on Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, 11/28/24, at Greektown Square in Baltimore, MD. Reserved table seating now on sale at DCGreeks.com!
Join Greeks from over two dozen states (maybe more) for the DCGreeks.com PHW 2024 Friday Greek Night at Public Bar Live in Washington, DC on November 1, 2024!
Enjoy complimentary mezedakia catered by some of DC's best Greek restaurants at MezeMania - The Saturday Afternoon Happy Hour on the Rooftop of Decades on 11/2/24 at 4:00 PM, part of DCGreeks.com Pan-Hellenism Weekend 2023.
DCGreeks.com Pan-Hellenism Weekend 2024 concludes with a Sunday Farewell Brunch at the L St NW location of For Five Coffee DC in Washington, DC on 11/3/24 from 12:30 PM - 4:00 PM.
What's New @ DCGreeks.com
10/20Tickets are now on sale for The 88th Annual Laconian Dance on Saturday, 11/30/24, in Bethesda, MD!
08/26Tickets are now on sale for a Glykeria with Nikos Zoidakis Live in Baltimore on Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, 11/28/24, at Greektown Square!
Pan-Hellenism Weekend 2024 tickets are now on sale! Purchase Discounted Packages or Single Event Ticket with the same streamlined

Package Prices increase weekly or until 50 packages are sold at each price level (whichever comes first)!
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Kick-off Pan-Hellenism Weekend 2024 at our Welcome Happy Hour on Thursday, 10/31/24 at 8:00 PM at Rewind by Decades, with locals and dozens of Greeks checking in on Thursday Night!

DCGreeks.com's Fall Preview

Things to Watch

Best Drama

November sweeps as always features the most anticipated event of the fall season, the Laconian Dance on Thanksgiving weekend.  It's a regular who's who of stars and there are many questions on the minds of viewers: Who's with who?  Who isn't with anyone? And what ever happened to the other person someone was with?  Major announcements and discoveries usually happen at this event, when couples are sometimes seen together for the very first time and others decide to get engaged on this weekend.  New plotlines and recurring characters also emerge on this night that develop over the winter hiatus and sometimes continue into the new year and beyond.      

 Best Comedy

You'll never know what The Guys @ DCGreeks.com are going to do next, as often times they don't know what they are going to do next either, but rest-assured, they're sometimes minutes away from their next over-the-top idea.  Remember, you can't spell DC Greeks Comedy without DCGreeks.com, so stay tuned. 

Best Miniseries  

The DC YAL Weekend, being simulcast on the big three networks and others, promises to be the most jam-packed event on the schedule.  Spanning three days in the early part of the season, this miniseries will take viewers from a dark and seedy Greek Night at a mysterious, yet to be announced location, to a scenic tour of the U.S. Capitol, to an action-packed BBQ at St. Sophia's featuring volleyball and some good eating, finally ending with the dramatic conclusion at the Dance, featuring Atlantis, a live Greek and American band from Philly, at the Grand Hyatt in DC.  Atlantis usually puts on a decent show, therefore saving us from subtitling the event, "Escape from Atlantis."  Commentary and analysis will surely be provided the morning after at the brunch following church service at St. Sophia's, the likes of which would put George Stephanopoulos and the other Sunday morning pundits to shame.  An event this big, with all the plot twists and intrigue that is sure to affect the outcome of the rest of the season, would be more fitting for November sweeps, than its mid-October air date.

Network Preview

 St. George's YAL (NBC)

 St. George, like NBC, has recently found a formula that works, and looks like it will stick to it.  Like Thursday Night Must See TV, the demographic tends to be younger than the other big three networks, but a little older than some of other networks.  (See Greek Nights (Fox) and Kosmos (UPN)).  A quick look at the schedule shows the network poised to pick up its summer hits of Jaleo Nights and its spin-off, Sequoia Nights.  This network has a serious side as well, with a silent auction fundraiser in November and a Blood Drive in October.  This Blood Drive may prove to be the most unpredictable event on this network schedule,  as it's on the same day as the DC YAL Weekend Greek Night, leading to the often precarious results of giving blood and drinking right afterwards.  This may be this network's attempt to emulate another NBC show, ER.  

St. Katherine's YAL (CBS)

 Like CBS in the recent past, St. Katherine's events tend to appeal to a little older audience, with a heavy line up of Ballroom dance lessons during the 8:00 family hour on Thursday nights, and a much scaled back version of their Fall festival, a Greek Taverna on the first weekend of October. Sandwich making, by no means the equivalent of watching Emeril Lagasse or Wolfgang Puck go to town on the morning talk shows, is an end of the month staple at St. Katherine's.  The network's hipper alternative, a variety show of sorts that has become their Monthly-Get-Together (MGT) is on the third Friday of every month.  Extreme sports, in the form of Winetasting and Hot-Air Ballooning in the Shenandoah Valley replaces October's MGT on the schedule.  This network has also not been shy about posting its lineup late into the fall season with events such as a Washington Capitals Hockey Outing serving as November's MGT, and a Holiday Party and other things planned for November and December.  

St. Sophia's YAL (ABC) 

The first of the major networks to have a Greek Festival, St. Sophia's Festival is coming up this weekend.  Not many events have been confirmed on their schedule, but there are rumors of sandwich making and other events on the horizon.  It is unknown the key demographic sought by St. Sophia's Byzantine Ball, a dance and silent auction on October 27th at the Wardman Park Marriott, at a pay-per-view price of $125 a ticket.  (Proceeds from this event benefit St. Sophia's new youth building.)  The most intriguing event on St. Sophia's lineup is a rumored event with Fieri, an Italian-American organization.  It sounds like the makings of a show more fit for HBO than ABC.     

Greek Nights (FOX)

Before the other major networks started getting more social, there were Greek Nights serving as the only outlet for Greeks to meet each other in this area on a regular basis.  These promoters take the largest risk of any of these networks, spending a lot of up-front capital on advertising and risking cancellation if their ratings aren't high enough.  Appealing to perhaps the youngest demographic with viewers as young as 18, (sometimes younger when a fake-id disables a V-Chip), Greek Nights, like the Fox network, are loud, a little too hot for TV at times, and constantly pushing the envelope.  Many compare Greek Nights to Fox shows/specials such as "90210" or "Who Wants to Marry a Multi-Millionaire?", where its all about what you wear, what you drive, and who you're with, with people never really actually meeting people at all.  It's voyeuristic television at its best.  But you know there will be viewers there nonetheless.     

 Kosmos Club (UPN) 

Its urban appeal and younger demographic, as well as up-and-coming status make GW's Kosmos Club a newcomer to watch this Fall.  Kosmos promise to get more people up outta their chair this fall with Greek Dance lessons planned for several Wednesdays this season.   Like UPN, which has acquired some shows from other networks during the off season, Kosmos has always had a goal of diversifying its demographic.  On a serious note, Kosmos makes sure to highlight several political and humanitarian issues by hosting various lectures and discussions on the Cyprus conflict. 

 DCGreeks.com (WB)

Like the WB, many viewers don't like to admit that they tune into DCGreeks.com, and the ratings don't truly state how many viewers are peeking in, usually when there is nothing better on.  The newest of all the networks, DCGreeks.com still relies on a great deal of syndicated programming from other networks.  Its original programming, released on Monday and Thursday mornings, is usually light-hearted, with the occasional "very special episode" when the occasion arises.  The producers of The Greekest Link (TGL) are fascinated by the tight point race between Pappas and Rina every week.  It's still too early to tell if the games are hard or easy or if these two contestants are just that good.  The producers are still waiting for a potential new player to emerge to challenge the supremacy of these two contestants.  Expectations also run high for The Kafenio, with the hopes that DCGreeks.com viewers will finally dial in and tell other viewers what's on their mind.  There is plenty of programming going on at other networks, and plenty of opinionated people out there, so it's surprising that everyone is so shy, even on an anonymous forum.

Rising Stars

Leading Male:  Pappas

 Based on early reviews, Pappas is a mystery to some.  Viewers often ask, "Is that really his picture?  Is he really a doctor? Is he really that good at The Greekest Link?  Did you guys make him up?"  From the amount of times his profile has been accessed, again and again and again, it seems to us that Pappas is a rising star in this fall season.


Leading Female:  Open Casting Call

A rising star has yet to emerge on the scene yet on from the women on our site, as none of them have posted a picture yet.   


The following shows, despite their similarity to real shows on real networks, are not affiliated with any of the “networks” featured in this preview, but are generally indicative of certain aspects of the DC Greek Community.

20/20 - The ages of the two girls you meet buying drinks from the bar at Greek Night.

Antiques Roadshow - When men in their 50s show up to Greek Nightclubs.

Big Brother -  Ever get the feeling that there are about 26 cameras pointed at you in this community?

Candid Camera - When your mere presence at a Greek Event gets you on someone’s website.  DCGreeks.com is still considering whether or not to pick up this show for the fall season.

CSI:  Crime Scene Investigation -  When a bunch of Greek guys are standing in the lobby of the McLean Hilton after the Laconian Dance wondering how in the world the hottest Greek girl in the place, the girl who a member of the group was talking to for most of the evening while stealing his heart, gave her number to a total clown.  Was it robbery?  Hit-and-Run?  Tune-in this November and follow the clues.

Dark Angel -  There are plenty of confident Greek girls in this area who could kick any guy’s ass.

Everybody Loves The Guys @ DCGreeks.com -  After reading this preview, this show might get cancelled.   

Face the Nation -  Anytime someone new shows up to church or a Greek event for the first time.  

Fear Factor - Ordering gyro at a restaurant when you don’t see a cone spinning. 

Friends - A show about a group of guys and girls who, while having ups and downs in their relationships on a one-on-one level, still seem to remain friends and hang out.  We’re not sure if this show really exists in some parts of the DC Greek Community. 

Judging Amy - We don’t know any Greek girls in this area named Amy, but if there was one, we’re sure someone would be judging her.  

Just Shoot Me -  How you feel after going to a poorly attended Greek event after telling yourself, “Hey, maybe I’ll meet someone new at this one.”  

Politically Incorrect - Your Greek father.

Popular - No explanation necessary. 

Spin City - DC is a very political town and the Greek Community is no exception. 

Survivor - It often seems that people are being voted off in this community every week, sometimes for a good reason, but often not.

That 70’s Show - Get a load of what the bands at Greek Festivals wear, and you think you’re back in the late '70s.   

Third Watch - Fellas, when the first two watches you own don’t impress the ladies, you buy a third watch.

Two Guys, a Girl, and a Gyro Stand - Read into this one whatever you’d like, but really the name just sounded like a good name for a show.    

Reviewers' Comments

Everyone likes it when there are many shows to choose from on TV.  Same thing goes with events in the Greek community.  If you look at our calendar, there are plenty of events on any given weekend and during the week.  With TV, if two shows you want to watch come on at 8:00, there is a great little invention called the VCR that makes sure you never miss an episode.  In real life, though, there are no VCRs and therefore you’re left choosing which event you want to attend.  This community is small enough as it is without having to splinter it further with two or more events at the same time.  Some of these are beyond the organizers’ control, like St. Constantine and Helen’s difficult, but in all ways correct, decision to postpone their festival from the weekend of September 14 to the first weekend in October, causing an unfortunate conflict with St. Katherine’s Festival.  But we urge the “network programmers” to avoid planning events for the same time whenever possible.  There’s nothing wrong with two or more events on the same weekend or even on the same day, if there isn’t an overlapping time at issue --  in fact those are some of the best weekends to be Greek in this area.  To all you Program Directors out there, for the sake of the community as a whole, please try to avoid conflicts as much as possible; don’t place people in a position of having to decide which group of Greeks they’d rather hang out with on any given evening.  Even better, try to combine events, so that more people come together as a bigger, more inclusive group.  Feel free to post your events on our Events Calendar  it’s there to let people know anytime two or more Greeks are gathered in spirit of friendship and parea.  And also check the Events Calendar before planning an event to see if there is a conflict, and find ways to avoid it.  This will lead to much better events with much better turnouts and more nights when there is something Greek going on in DC.

Read past feature articles.