Hi, my name is BMWgreekNMd and I'm a 45 year-old male from Silver Spring, MD. Personal Statement: Hey, new to the site, not new to the area. Born and raised here in MD, working @ a BMW dealer Md., hence the name ;-) Anyways, Im half Greek, half Italian, although I definetly identify with my Greek hertiage more, A.) Because I have a Greek mother hahaha and B.) Was raised Greek Orthodox. Anyhow, like I said, just seeing whats up on here, actually heard about the site thru the Greek Basketball League site (I play for The Islanders)Anyone interested in talking or anything for that matter just send me a message and I'll be happy to respond....I get bored easily at work :-) The kind of person I'm looking for on DCGreeks.com: Anyone really...a$$holes excluded ofcourse. In a woman, honestly, I've never dated a Greek girl before (shocker right??) Always been interested though, but for one reason or another just hasn't happened...yet. If you wanna know more, Im not shy, so message me. |