Hi, my name is godpan and I'm a 62 year-old male from petroupoli athens greece, GR. I am looking for a serious relationship with women.
I am 5' 7". I have black hair and I have green eyes. I would consider my body type to be average.
I smoke socially and I drink in social settings.
I am a Greek Orthodox Christian.
I have a Master's Degree. My Occupation: master mariner.
Personal Statement:
I am single mature man. I like the advedures for this reason i followed this kindd of job as ocean going merchant ship's captain.
I am greek man and i like to meet girls from my country for friendship,relations and company.
The kind of person I'm looking for on DCGreeks.com:
I am looking for a good looking girl between age 30 to 42.
Single or divorced available for cration a good and serious relationship
Send me a message